Lesson Learned

Let go of things that don’t matter

Let go of things that don't matter

Everything doesn’t matter. Pick and choose what’s important in life.

Don’t worry about the things you can’t control or trivial things/small stuff, so you can enjoy things that are important to you. ~ Brigitte Nicole

There’s no lesson learned with regard to worrying about things that you do not have control of or sweating the small stuff. Emotionally challenged people, for lack of better understanding, do worry about almost everything. ~ Charles Cruz 

Don’t beat yourself up over a mistake. Yesterday is gone, to marrow isn’t promised to us, so live today in the light of the positive. Today is the only day you can control. ~ Sherry Peek 

I ended a long friendship with a negative person, and thus being freed up to become a happier person myself. ~ Jo Day 

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