
Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health

Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health

Stress free to be better in health to enjoy abundant life be happy & live one day at a time trusting God.

Stress can lead to life threatening illnesses. Take time to unwind and smell the roses. 

The stress caused by others has drain my energy and faith in people.

Stress is how a person responds to any kind of demand or threat. {Since your autonomic nervous system doesn’t distinguish between daily stressors and life-threatening events, if you’re stressed over an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body can still react as if you’re facing a life-or-death situation. When you repeatedly experience the fight or flight stress response in your daily life, it can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, speed up the aging process and leave you vulnerable to a host of mental and emotional problems.} In the quote, Mr. Glassman is expressing just that. ~ Brigitte Nicole

My self respect and self confidence has improved because of being outside in sunshine and working on little projects, exercising, surrounding myself with positive people and forgiving (not forgetting the pain) of those who have hurt me. Life gets better if you believe in yourself and have spirituality. Get more sleep, turn off all electronic gadgets and eat good, wholesome foods. You deserve the best no matter what your level of stress is. Decrease your stress and improve your endurance of stress for yourself. ~ Bertie Lehman 

When I’m happy I feel like I can do anything. When I’m stressed I am not focused and lose steam. I say anything to stressing walk away from it. Life is short be happy whatever it takes. ~ Cindy Goslin 

If you can do one thing find out what helps you reduce stress, minimize anger and eliminate resentment, find it. These three things I believe have had a significant impact on my health. ~ John Ballard 

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