
You have to let go of what is gone

You need to forget what's gone in your life

Just think of the things coming ahead and never mind the past ones.

Forget your past failures, bad choices, heartaches and injustices. Living constantly with regrets about your past, grieving your past choices and failures and not being able to forgive and forget who hurt us and unnecessarily punish and handicap us for being who God wants us to be. Let go of the burdens and embrace & enjoy whatever is ahead of us. ~ Jesusa Martin

The emotional baggage has to be lost as each new experience deserves a new start.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow never comes. Today is what is always here. Your choice to make the best of it or not.

You always need to for you to find your own happiness. You have to let go of what is gone and take good care of what you have right now. ~ Jeff Crystallyne

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