
Don’t bother apologizing

Don't bother apologizing

I have told my kids that if your going to say sorry don’t do it again when you say it, you have to mean it. ~ Angela Darr

Some people think they can do anything they want as long as they apologize later. An apology doesn’t erase the deed, especially if they keep repeating it. ~ Judy Gipson

Don’t give them the chance to have to say it so many times. One time, two times maybe, but after that move on, they aren’t worth it. ~ Wayne Perez

Actions speak louder than words, and a repeated apology without a positive action just makes you look worse.

What’s to forgive if you keep doing the same offenses. You’ll be truly sorry when you stop them, or you will just be truly sorry you didn’t stop them in the end. ~ Gail Hersey

Any good apology has three parts: I sorry. It”s my fault, and What can I do to make it right. ? Most people forget the third part. ~ Martha Rodriguez

If someone means they are really sorry for hurting you, they would stop doing the same things over & over. BUT we also have to be careful not to get so bitter from the many times we’ve been hurt & betrayed that we fail to see attempts on the other side to make progress. ~ Aimee Boylan

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