
Don’t dwell on what went wrong

Don't dwell on what went wrong

Don’t look back. You are not going that way. Move on! Keep your eyes forward.

Learn from your mistakes and you can’t go wrong the second time round. ~  Margaret Young 

The answers come faster when you look forward.

You can’t change what has already gone wrong but if you are smart you won’t make the same mistake again. ~ Julie Bloodworth 

Fix it! Find what went wrong. Learn and move on. Don’t get stuck in the dwelling pool. ~ Pamela Polsunas 

Answer is always with us, in our heart, within our soul.

You can’t change the past, but you can throw out the bad and focus on the good things in life. 

Very often average people accomplish extraordinary things because they kept going and didn’t quit. Live and learn, and try again. ~ Danny Lepelley 

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