
Forget some people from our past

Forget some people from our past

Envision where you want to be and eliminate the “dead weight” which is sometimes a person holding you back. ~ Joyce Reeves

Don’t live in past is best way to live in future. ~ Bobby Williams

Our brain is not designed to forget. The more we try to forget, the more we remember. The best way that works for me is to take a lesson from the past and move on. ~ Puput Reza 

You are such a beautiful person. You deserve to be happy, loved and treasured. Anything less is unacceptable. ~ Stacy Hogue

From the people you least expect they take advantage and stab you in the back. What they don’t know is the God has our back. ~ George Pereira

The Lord has our lives all mapped out from the day we are brought into this world. We are individuals, allow who we want in our future. Being very selective who we place there with his guidance. Living and walking in faith. ~ Doris Owens

I have left a lot of people in the past because they do not deserve to be in my future.

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