
Forgive others because you deserve peace

Forgive others because you deserve peace

 We do ourselves a big favor for you by forgiving yourself and others.

Just not worth the energy. It takes away peace from you if you don’t forgive. ~ Karen Pitte 

We all deserve forgiveness and we all need to forgive. That’s about being human, and getting closer to the divine in us. ~ Carole Grice 

We are all imperfect and so we will make mistakes in our lives with others. We need to see and understand that and be able to forgive those who have done wrong to us. We will not only find peace when we forgive, we will allow the other person to have peace as well. ~ Katherine Theresa 

Sometimes it may seem impossible to ever forgive, unfortunately many of us that are victims of a crime know from experience, but keeping the hate in your heart is much worse. ~ Kym Blakeley 

When we remember the bad thing that someone did to us, at some point it starts destroying us as a person and can lead to even worse situation when people try to get revenge. You have to forgive for your own sake. ~ Anna Kantor 

God forgave us first. Forgiveness is a decision and choice you make, not a feeling. It’s about you, not the other person. Move on in peace. ~ Brenda Simpson 

Too bad so many people in the world can’t see the wisdom in such a concept. Everyone should desire a peaceful world to raise their children in. ~ Ray Cloninger 

You just make yourself sick until you let it go. This happened to me and forgiving was the best thing I could do. I have never forgotten the incident and I will always be leery of the person but I no longer let it occupy my life. You don’t have to even tell the person you forgive them you just have to say it in your heart. ~ Toni Dodough 

I had to forgive someone in my life and you will not believe how much better your life is once you have forgiven them. ~ Rachel Rivera

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