
Hate in your Heart will consume you

Hate in your Heart will consume you

Some people could make you mad at times but one thing I will never do is hate someone. Maybe dislike someone but not hate even if they disrespect. ~ Cindy Newby 

You teach people how to treat you. Faith without works is dead. You are expected to do your part as well. Don’t just sit back and expect God to do it all. If someone is mistreating you, remove them from your life. Tell them that you will not tolerate being disrespected. How will they know unless you tell them. ~ Yvette Martin 

He gives us free will & we are not to judge or we will be judged accordingly. He is the only one that can judge, not one of us is perfect so we cannot cast the 1st stone. His time is not like our time; He is a right on time God. God waited 18 years to answer 1 of my on going prayers & I am so thankful. I waited on that answered prayer. He was testing me to see if I really trusted Him & had I not given it to Him someone would have been killed. I praise & thank Him everyday for giving me the strength to wait on Him and yes He did handle it. You do reap what you sow. ~ Brenda Reeves 

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