
It is hard to fly when something is weighing you down

It is hard to fly when something is weighing you down

Sometimes there is no blame or even bad feelings. It’s simply time to move on. Forward. Relationships change and people need to keep moving forward. It’s hard as hell, but like the picture so eloquently depicts. You’re not going anywhere till you take that step. And chances are you’re doing that other person a favor as well. ~ Jeanne Musella

Forgiving yourself & others is the most powerful letting. Go there is among other cognitive behavioral therapies for depression & anxiety visualization & re-framing thoughts to positive while connecting your heart & experiencing emotion outside yourself in control. ~ Mary Ellen

As a Life Coach there’s an assessment I give clients that measures their negative energy. From 1-7 (1 & 2 being the most negative, heavy energy that weighs us down) most clients are resonating at a 2 – sad. With all that heaviness, how can one move forward? ~ Sonia Lopez 

Sometimes letting go brings gifts and people into our lives that we will treasure forever. Do not be afraid to take the steps to make your life better, keep moving forward into Light and Love. ~ Rita Teubner 

Nothing is going to weight me down, I am the boss of my future. No person can take this gift away from me. ~ Aveline Neo Huipeng 

Some things in life are very difficult, moving forward and leaving behind the rocks that have weighing one down is hard, but one day you’ll be able to fly again and be totally free once again. ~ Sue Holland

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