
It takes someone really special to stay in your life

It takes someone really special to stay in your life

Jesus did that for me 34 years ago. He came into my life and He has stayed as he promised “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. ~ Martha Namusisi 

If you love, you always show them. It’s so important to make your significant other feel special and why would you not want to? ~ Leah Griffin 

I have been lucky with my choice of husband. He is still very special to me after nearly 50 years together. ~ Tricia Adcock 

Sometimes some people can only take love and are not capable of giving it back. Sometimes some people can’t move on from their past to appreciate someone new that comes into their lives. Sometimes someone does not want your love. Sometimes you want to be that special person that wants to prove your love for someone but that person just doesn’t let you be a part of them, so you learn to walk away. ~ Nita Dasani 

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