Enlightening Quotes

No one knows what you have been through

No one knows what you have been through

Everyone has a story and every story is different. It doesn’t make you any better to judge. Instead of judging, put yourself on there shoes an understand, everyone is different and amazing. ~ Jeannette Collazo

No one has the ‘right’ to judge another regardless of whether they have had similar experience or not. But humans judge each other. That is human nature. Just try not to convict and if you are being judged and don’t agree with the assessment. Ignore! You do not have to give sanction to what anyone else ‘thinks’ of you. But if they have a point, don’t be too proud to recognize it. ~ Jennifer Elliott

Sometimes people who criticizes other people are the ones who needed to be criticized. Human feelings evolved too. Humans now are more open, more emphatic. As long as you know yourself, your worth as a person, who cares. They’re not worth a second thought. ~ Cathy Mancia

It’s amazing how some people think that they know you and will judge you based on their assumptions about how you think or feel, or on things they may have heard about you but never even considered talking to you about or even based upon the way they think and feel and perhaps that last one is the key for in the way they judge you they are giving you a look into their own heart. ~ Sharon Sabbatino

People always think that I’m some alien. Just because I’m different. I’m tall. I’m hard of hearing. I actually care what I will do for my living. I try to be nice to the people who have brought me down and think I have no feelings because I’m different. I haven’t been invented places because I was said, “To not be able to hear anything”. Who cares, people? Nobody should be made fun of because of who they are. ~ Laura Burkhart

If you’re one of those who has wrongly judged someone, have the decency and apologize and open a true line of communication, especially when you know only half the story. Have the decency and take the time to find out all the story. ~ Rod Hollis

I have to remember that I have a right to feel the way I do. Even if other people don’t understand how I feel or why I feel the way I do. I hate when people criticize me for how I feel about something or someone, or basically imply that I should just get over something or ignore how I feel. Something may mean a lot to one person, or be extremely difficult for one person to deal with, but that same experience may mean nothing to someone else. People should respect other people’s feelings. ~ Linda Rogers

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