
Relationships are like birds

Relationships are like birds

If you love something set it free. It will spread its wings and grow. If it comes back to you it loves you truly.

When one holds too tight & the other not tight enough the tension can break the bond.

Only the birdie that wants to sit in your hand will stay, without squeezing and tight holding, it’ll stay there even if you open up your hand. ~ Anya Warda 

Relationship should always be handle with care, keep in mind that its always fragile. Never take advantage, nor for granted. Keep in mind that’s it is new & will always stay fresh & steady so it will last forever. Gigi Guzman

Many forget they must love themselves before than can love another. Sadly many think they must have someone in their lives to be loved when in fact all they need is to love themselves. ~ Kris Colford 

People mutually decide how close they are by how much they respect each other’s individual lives & make the time they share important to each other. ~ Michelle Howard

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