
Sometimes those who don’t socialize much aren’t actually anti-social

Gossip would end if people could realize how damaging and hurtful it is, all it is is an unhealthy attempt to control other people. ~ Ken Evjen 

Gossipy people don’t unite a group, they divide and discourage possible friendships. These types of folks are all about control. I do my best to avoid anyone anywhere that feels the need to engage in this type of totally sick & immature behavoir. There is nothing that will be accomplished by spreading untruths about another human being. ~ Lynn Sandler 

Socializing is on the surface and often fake, interaction. It covers over your real reactions and feelings with big smiles and chit chat. You can go home afterwards feeling more lonely because there has been no real connection. You have not been “heard”. I can tolerate it up to a point, particularly if I find someone to sit in a corner with and really talk, but it’s mostly theatre. ~ Joy Turner 


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