Lesson Learned

Sometimes you can get so busy being everyone else’s anchor

My smile is a lie, it masks my pain and hides how I truly feel. Look at my eyes and you will see the truth. My mouth lies, while my eyes can only cry. ~ Hemant Kumar 

There comes the time for one to be selfish & take care oneself. If we are to be here a little longer to love & help others. We must give that love & care to oneself. For no one can’t love & help others if he/she doesn’t have that first! ~ Raymond Cano Sr. 

You find yourself taking care of another person that you suddenly miss the feeling of being taken cared of, but that’s still where you hold anchor for, you get up and stay strong. ~ Cristine Pia 

You put yourself last and do what ever you need to for others and you need to pull back and say. I need time by myself. For a bit. ~ Timothy Hampton 


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