
Sometimes you have to love people from a distance

Sometimes you have to love people from a distance

Be careful who you let back in, they may not be done hurting you. ~ Gabriela Blanco

Sometimes they never get themselves together or learn their lessons. It takes a person wanting to change and doing the work to realize their mistakes or lack of appreciation that they had in whatever type of relationship it was. We live in a fast paced society that people most often feel if you don’t want to accept it anymore someone else will. ~ Vivian Thercy 

Unfortunately, this is sometimes necessary to preserve sanity when the world’s chaos manifests itself in other human beings. If everyone could leave their egos at the door, so to speak, and operate only from the heart there would be fewer confrontations, fewer conflicts, and greater peace all around. Love is all there is and all that matters when all is said and one. ~ Pat Winstead 

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