
Those who have goodness in their Heart

Those who have goodness in your Heart

If you allow yourself to become a person who doesn’t believe this then you too become part of the problem and the same type of people that cause you to fill that way. Don’t let the coldness of others cause you to become part of the problem. Have faith, stand strong, be safe but become part of the solution. ~ Lea Tomblin 

You must enter the relationship with an open mind about trusting. It must be very exhausting to always be second guessing someone. Building trust takes time, you need to show your partner that you are also trustworthy and that you trust them in return. ~ Brigitte Nicole

There are good people. Looks can be deceiving. Many people that seem like they are good are not, they are just good at pretending. Then, there are people that seem bad but are very good people. It’s a tough world we live in. ~ Shannen Grimes 

People may not intention to hurt you but we still need to select with practically processing from time to time to have fully trust on someone. However, I still have faith in human and I believe not all people are badly just need time to create our own magnet where same people get together. ~ Lisa Chien

Don’t allow the world control you. Be yourself! Follow the goodness in your heart. Have faith in give all to the highest our God. He guides you in the life that you want to be. ~ Francisca Pavasson 

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