Enlightening Quotes

True friends are like angels

True friends are like angels

True friends are angels and too precious one. They understand & acknowledge your kind feelings.

A true friend loves you through the good and bad. They have your back and speak good about you. A true friend is rare, treasure them. ~ Barbara Estrada 

False friends fall off with the changing external conditions of life. ~ Alan Cooper 

Real friendship is actually extremely rare. If I can be so bold to say, if you could have three real friends in your lifetime, you are a very fortunate person. The reason why true friendship is so rare is because of the depth of commitment necessary to be a true or real friends. Leo Buscaglia put it better, “A single rose can be my garden, a single friend, my world.” ~ Barbara Estrada 

True friends are genuine & you never have to wonder about motives or if they truly care about you as a person. ~ Jana Dulaney

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