
When you put your heart in someone else’s hands

Don't be afraid to lose what wasn't meant to be

Much harder to do and accept when you put your heart in someone else’s hands. But God has perfect timing, and knows what is meant for us. Just keep the faith, that’s what we need to do. ~ Suzie Rehage 

The eyes of a sincere heart are often shaded by blinders of trust and faith in the other person.

Our ego is fooling us by telling us, what or whom we want to have and our soul is telling us, what or whom we shall to be for. But the voice of the ego is so loud, that we don’t hear the quiet voice of our soul. What hurts is the wanting ego. I learned to listen to the consulting voice of my soul. That’s how I learned to let go, what is not meant for me. Not always easy and a long way, but finely it works. ~ Ingrid Bahtiyar 

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