
You can never replace the memories you had with someone

You can never replace the memories you had with someone

Sometimes a few bad memories seem to erase all the wonderful memories you shared with someone.

It depends on whether they are good memories or bad ones. I once loved and trusted very deeply as most still waters do. Love and an honest relationship has different meanings to some people than to others unfortunately. Lessons learned through hard memories sometimes dam up rivers of emotions from avenues of approach. Good memories are few but they are held in the abyss of broken hearts by those that love deeply with conviction and honor in making strong relationships work. Most are shallow streams that take love lightly and give vows unto God easily as in marriage. Memories good are strong and those that are bad are usually caused by shallow thinking. Love isn’t lust it is deep which some make the mistake of confusing leaving bad memories for those that give their love deeply with the honor of keeping it. ~ Timothy Lavender 

You can replace different paths in your life but every path you leave behind gives you lots of experiences and memories for your future.

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