
You can’t always be nice

You can't always be nice

If someone is “taking advantage of you”, sometimes we do have to be very firm when we have to tell them where we draw the line.

When you are so nice and kind, people want more and more of what they can get from you without any kind of appreciation. You end up being used and wasted.

There is being nice and there is being nice to yourself. Pick One! The one you feel like a victim the other you are in charge. Just do always what is right for you. ~ John Kobel 

A person who will not respect courtesy does not want to hear about boundaries. They will condemn and try to get you to “shut up” or “back down” before accepting that a respectful boundary is being set. Little and continuous put-downs are the reason I work for boundaries and graceful ways to leave a situation and then comes the firmness. ~ Theresa Evans 

You don’t stop being nice, if you’re a nice person. That’s letting people change your entire character. It’s enough to just set boundaries and know who’s for you and who’s not. It’s not that hard. Trying be something you’re not won’t change the way you feel. Who you really are will always be revealed. Don’t make yourself “miserable” trying to be someone you’re not meant to be. ~ Debbie Williams 

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