
Before you say something

Before you say something

Some people don’t care. They want to be cruel and hurt others because that is who they are. Mean, bitter & hateful. ~ Jo Lucarelli 

Once the words are out they can not be taken back. When emotions are out of control, step away from the situation.

Be strong, but not rude; be kind but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant.

I’ll give you this, I’ll stop and think about whether they deserve it, then I’ll temper it with an ounce of compassion, then let karma work its magic. ~ Anne Helms 

If more people did this and more parents taught their children the golden rule “do unto others as you would have others do unto you” then we would have a lot less bulling and hate. ~ Lee Schaffrick 

It is unfortunate that some feel their negative words are more important spoken than the importance of someone’s feelings. Empathy and tact do not dance well together on the tongues of the negative speaker. ~ Natalie McCray 

Even the speed of the car while in motion cannot control unexpectedly due to some circumstances. ~ Chicha Tubig

Be the one to rise above and do things better. Set a good example. Be one that is worthy to follow. You can’t control what “others” do or do not do. You are only in control of yourself, while having the opportunity to influence and redirect the behavior of others. ~ Jared Dellinger 

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