Enlightening Quotes

Good loving heart flows over to every actions you make and take

Good loving heart flows over to every actions you make and take

Love everyone or endeavour to maintain neutrality. ~ Lynn Hopper 

Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. 

Don’t waste time on haters. They have no life.

Whatever you choose to “put out there” comes back to you, so I choose love. ~ Susan Walker 

Even when someone hates you, love them anyway. We become freed from the detrimental effects of heart disease and other related illness that come from anger issues

We are not immortal, we are allotted so much life energy. To hate is anger purely and energy consuming and that’s the damage to me. If I hate I have no peace internally or externally with my surrounding. If I hate there can be no love, if I have no love where is joy, happiness? It is not how I want to spend my life energy. Starting today I will help someone who is roughing or hurting in life. It’s a simple, positive act of unconditional love that might bring peace into someone else heart. ~ Kevin Stanford 

I am busy loving everybody even those who hates me, puts me down and say things that are untrue, they don’t even know the real me. Love everyone even your enemies, what good or extra ordinary are you doing if you only love those who love you. ~ Norma Powell 

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