
Judge people by their actions, not words

Judge people by their actions, not words

Some people their words does not have any value it’s like water under a bridge.

Words mean nothing, could have been said a million times but it’s the actions that show you the true person.

A sociopath almost always knows exactly what to say while getting exactly what they want and harming others. 

Actions are the result of choices made. If the same choices keep being made and actions not changing decide if this is the best life for you, release and let go with love. ~ Keryl Jamieson 

Your behavior will always tell on you. On a side note don’t sleep the words either for “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue” as well. Let that marinate. ~ Tony Winger

Words are like little promises told. Deeds and time will show were they just words. Never trust words too fast. Seek the heart and spirit behind them. There are so many people just wanting to use us for their own wants. We need to be a little old fashioned. Have time and truly find out persons intentions. Usually the bigger words, the smaller deeds. To say nice words it just takes an open mouth and some seconds. To really Love, it is a way of living. ~ Sari Lundberg 

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