
Stop thinking about your mistakes & move on

Stop thinking about your mistakes & move on

It takes time, but one gradually feels the turning point inside, in your gut/heart.
Some lessons comes with tears and heartbreak, but you got to move on as you are the ultimate mentor for yourself. ~ Uche Chikwe 
Mistakes don’t make you who you are, what you learn from them does.
There’s always another day, that we can make our choices. Either to help our self to move forward or to drained because at the end of the day we can free ourselves in all the worried or go home and have a good glass of wine. ~ Zennie Talbot 
I wouldn’t have the blessings in my life if I hadn’t gone through some mistakes. If I turn around and look back at my crooked, back-tracking, and uphill path, I would never have made it to the point of gratitude I’m in now. ~ Mark Thude 

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