
The worst thing in life

The worst thing in life

The ones that laugh the loudest are often the most sad. ~ Unknown

Its better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone. -Marilyn Monroe

I’d rather be alone than to be with people who makes me feel empty & takes me to nothingness. ~ Bessie Ocampo 

Its better to be alone and you know why you feel so alone than to be with someone that cares so less. You are invisible to their concerns. ~ Unknown

Sometimes it is the people who make you feel lonely not the fact that there is no one around you. Loneliness is a state of mind and not a physical isolation from people. ~ Patrick Perez

You can sometimes feel so lonely with a person who’s heart is ice. Therefore choose a partner who’s heart is warm and loving. Only a person who lives themselves will be able to love you back and best of all love yourself and allow your heart to bask in your own warmth. ~ Lana Lubimoff 

I’m blessed by most of the people and family make me feel loved and never alone. ~ Anne Tusant 

It took me a long time to realize this and although I’m alone and single, I feel happy and fulfilled inside. ~ Laura Huynh 

We come into this world alone and we will go out alone. Someone might be there to hold your hand, but I think the most important thing is to have some fun along the way and do the best you can in life and always be kind to others. ~ Kimberly Ferguson 

Never waste a minute of your precious time by squandering in thinking about people you don’t like.

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