
We met people for a reason

We met people for a reason

Even the ones that are blessings have lessons and the ones that are lessons should be seen as blessings. ~ Kris McRaney

At least it was a quick lesson. At least it was not a year down the road a big waste of time. Just keep on moving forward. There is something better out there, looking for you. ~ Jan Schloemer 

Some lessons can be horribly painful and hard to see as blessings, but in the end we can use that lesson to teach someone of our experience that would be the positive side of it. Be a beacon. Take our pain and use it to help others. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Use the pain of the “negative” relationship to help ourselves as well as help others, thus gain wisdom. Ultimately a blessing, but it takes some reframing to get there. ~ Linda Radtke 

A lesson don’t allow yourself to go through a lesson again, the lesson don’t change unless you teach yourself. ~ Deborah Watkins 

Everyone appear in your life, always have a reason and when the time passed over when you found the answer yourself. ~ Đặng Minh Dũng 

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