
Why many people choose to spend their time alone?

Why many people choose to spend their time alone

It’s scary to climb to the top but the view is worth it. If you get knocked down by a few untrustworthy people, remember, that beautiful view, it’s still there. Don’t let those people stop you from seeing it again with someone new.

We trust people believing the best outcome & when we get hurt we can allow it to stop us trusting others again but then we will miss the joy of relationship that God wants to send our way because we have been created to love & be loved. ~ Kelly Nairn

Don’t give trust away, allow people to earn it. You are precious and you have a right to be safe. ~ Angela Downing

Remember that we are not promised tomorrow so take chances, love, trust, and enjoy the happiness that we all seek. ~ Tanya Moore

I’ve met a few sappy trees in my life. Taught me that I am my own best friend and I am good company, so choose my friends carefully, no more hangers-on or sappy jerks. ~ Pat Sawyer

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