
You can’t keep hurting someone over and over again

You can't keep hurting someone over and over again

We hurt each other, and often. Sometimes really deep. But what does love have to do with whether others hurt us, or are nice to us?! You either love, or you don’t! Love is love when it’s unconditional, love is forgiving and always trusts. Over and over again. ~ Polly Evanova

Even though I would still love this type person, I would no longer be in love. They are asleep with a darkened heart, miserable in their own being, incapable of love because they have not yet learned how to release themselves from past hurts that they have experienced, controlled by their own ego unwilling to die out to it. ~ Darryl Warren

That seems to be the case with many marriages, where the couples don’t understand why they’re no longer in love with each other. ~ Zenobia Davis 

I do still love those who fit into this pigeon hole. But for my own sanity, I will not let them have the opportunity to do it any more. People who treat you like this, simply do not love you like you love them and are not worth the agony. ~ Jen Nelson 

I now understand and accept why I no longer love “my love”. ~ Jacqueline Sellers 

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